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Drewem MG Early Bird

(2xGCH 1xBOB 1xBIS)
DOB: 3/25/23
Dam: GCH 3G Family Farm FarmersDaughter 5*M EX90 (3xGCH 3xBOB)
DD: GCH 3G Family Farm WM Apricot 4*M EX91
DS: Wood Bridge Farm BearNecessity +*B (Sire to 1st/1st Udder 4yo 2022 ADGA Nat Show)
Sire: Gypsy Moon MP Mardi Gras *B (1xGCH 1xBOB)
SD: Winning Streak CM Dazzlin Diva 7*M (FULL Sister to GCH Winning Streak CM Darlin Diva 7*M EX91)
SS: Winning Streak EB Masterpiece *B (Littermate brother to GCH Winning Streak EB Perfection 6*M EX91)
Blue eyes, wattles, and fancy coloring aside, Birdie is a beautifully correct young doe. She stands atop an ultra-correct set of feet and legs but the magic really happens when you put your hands on her. She is OPEN in her ribbing, FLAT in her bone pattern, and has velvety soft and pliable skin. Her dam is one of our heaviest milkers here and she’s already showing me many of the characteristics I look for in a young doe destined to be a highly productive animal! Birdie has proved to be extremely competitive in the junior doe show ring, finishing out her final show with 4x 1st place wins, complete with earning her Jr leg and a BIS win!
Birdie has blown me away as a first freshening yearling! From winning her first milker class at just 2 weeks fresh to winning her first MILKING leg just a few weeks later?? I couldn't ask for more from this young doe. She is everything I am breeding for and then some. She is tall, long, feminine, and SO dairy. And what a mammary system on this girl! It is high, wide, appropriately capacious, with a beautiful medial and foreudder attachment and so much balance when viewed from the side. She is a dream to milk, with a combination of lovely hand-milking teats, open orifaces, and superb udder texture. This girl's future is ridiculously BRIGHT!
Bridge Acres ARC Georgia Peach

DOB: 12/16/2022
Dam: Gotta B Kid N SweetGeorgiaBrown 1*M (3xGCH 3xBOB 2xBIS)
DD: Gotta B Kid N Ossetra VG89
DS: Castle Rock Pineapple Express +*B
Sire: Moon Station Arcturus (Littermate to CH Moon Station Ophelia EEEE93!)
SD: CH Little Tots Estate Saturn EX92 (20ish BDIS WINS!)
SS: Agape's Prize Reverend CQuinn *B
"Peachy" came to me a couple months before her dam and a few aunts joined my herd! I was so excited to get a Pineapple Express granddaughter, and truly thought that she would be the closest relative I would get to him. Little did I know I would soon be able to bring in 3 Pineapple daughters, including Peachy's STUNNING dam! Peachy's sire however, bring even more exciting genetics to the table! The well known Saturn, and of course, the legend CountnBlessns. It goes without saying that Peachy has some big hooves to fill and some insane animals to live up to! She is a petite doe, just like her dam, and will probably take a touch longer to mature, but I can be patient for a doe like this!
Peachy kidded for the first time with an absolutely BEAUTIFUL FF udder!!!! The height of mammary is simply unreal (not surprising with her dam's 48 in RUH at our 2024 LA!). She is already showing loads of balance, a long and wide foreudder, nicely placed teats and an evident medial that will only get better as time goes on! (As I'm writing this she is only a week fresh and I am so giddy!) She is also milking like a dream already, and is roughly at 3.5lbs per day, as an 18mo old FF 1 week fresh!!
Drewem MG Brie de Meaux

(1xGCH 1xBIS)
DOB: 7/1/23
Dam: Lily Hill WH Fleur-de-Lis 3*M VG88 (1xGCH)
DD: GCH Winning Streak EB Lilly 2*M (2xBIS -daughter of the 2024 ADGA National Premier sire!)
DS: Hidden Hills Water Hawthorne *B
Sire: Gypsy Moon MP Mardi Gras *B (1xGCH 1xBOB)
SD: Winning Streak CM Dazzlin Diva 7*M (FULL Sister to GCH Winning Streak CM Darlin Diva 7*M EX91)
SS: Winning Streak EB Masterpiece *B (Littermate brother to GCH Winning Streak EB Perfection 6*M EX91)
Brie is a LONG, tall, growthy yearling, especially for being born in the summer. She is high headed, freaky-necked, and is just so crazy long from whatever angle you look at her. She is dairy and open, flat boned, level throughout. I particularly enjoy her flatness from thurl to thurl as well. Her dam is one of my absolute favorites here and I can't wait to watch Brie follow in her hoofsteps!
At her 2nd show ever, 2nd time stepping foot into the ring, Brie handily earned her Jr leg over a large group of lovely young does! She completed her Jr career with a BJDIS win as well! The word that the judge used over and over again to describe Brie was STYLISH! I tend to agree!
Brie freshed a few days ago and OMG her mammary!!! It is high, well attached, with a GORGEOUS medial and near perfect teat placement. Her teats are perfect hand milking size and she has a beautiful oriface size and texture. I am so so so excited to watch this mammary develop!​
Gypsy Moon CB Lymerikk

(1xGCH 1xBIS)
DOB: 3/17/23
Dam: GCH Winning Streak CM Snowflake 2*M EX90 AGS90.5
DD: GCH Winning Streak EB Snow Bunny 1*M EX90 (daughter of the 2024 ADGA National Premier sire!)
DS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B
Sire: CuatlilredBarn Cowboy *B
SD: CuatlilredBarn Getty' Up 5*M
SS: GCH CuatlilredBarn Whistle Back +*B
Ricki came to me as a part of the Gypsy Moon herd reduction. This doe kid is LOVELY. So mature for her age, lots of depth and spring to her rib already. She picks up so many general appearance points and I really enjoy watching her move around the kid pen. She is high headed and has a really stunning front end with a strong brisket for her size. Her dam is an easy favorite that came to me from Teena, and I am so grateful that they both call Drewem home now. During Ricki's first time off the farm, she handily earned her Jr dry leg accompanied by a BJDIS win!
Ricki is confirmed bred to Drewem MJ Second to None*B for late December kids!
Drewem MG Mon Cheri

(1xGCH 1xBIS)
DOB: 7/1/23
Dam: Lily Hill WH Fleur-de-Lis 3*M (1xGCH)
DD: GCH Winning Streak EB Lilly 2*M (2xBIS -daughter of the 2024 ADGA National Premier sire!)
DS: Hidden Hills Water Hawthorne *B
Sire: Gypsy Moon MP Mardi Gras *B (1xGCH 1xBOB)
SD: Winning Streak CM Dazzlin Diva 7*M (FULL Sister to GCH Winning Streak CM Darlin Diva 7*M EX91)
SS: Winning Streak EB Masterpiece *B (Littermate brother to GCH Winning Streak EB Perfection 6*M EX91)
"Cherry" is out of my absolute favorite 2023 yearling FF, Fleur. Fleur blessed me with two absolutely stunning doe kids, both of which I retained. And boy am I glad that I did! Cherry is so striking, long, level, smooth. I just love to watch this kid move. She also has a super promising escutcheon, super high, teats are long and close together, with evident attachment "webbing" already. Even being the smaller twin she is just as upstanding and impressive as her sister and handily earned her junior dry leg accompanied with a BJDIS win! Judge Karen Smith commended her dairyness, angularity, and body capacity relatice to size and age.
Cherry is bred to Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B for her first freshening, and is due on Valentine's day 2025! After seeing her littermate sister's mammary (Brie), I am SO excited to see Cherry fresh!!